constructive advice #1 too much time wasted on stunt dick playing with himself remember your audience is PRIMARILY straight males which leads to #2, the stunt dick needs to stop trying to look sexy and fuck. #3 cameraman remember "DIP" dick in pussy meaning ask yourself when taping can I see dip? if not move to a better angle. This clip was potential lost but potential nonetheless.
As many fans that would love to have a encounter with Amber. She always allows the most worthless ninjas to just run through her, and then complain about how they cheat her. Sometimes its about showing love to fans. I've had a few encounters with Ms.Cleo. She'll text, and let me know when she here in my city. Her prices are very reasonable.....QV's are less than $200. I've reached out to Amber several times, and it's always excuse after excuse. Sometimes she doesn't even respond. Super Star